Student Programs


Get confident about why you are going to college (or not) and how to create a career that will make you happy

Choose the program that is right for you!


Pick the RIGHT Major

High School & College Students

This group course will help you determine the RIGHT major without feeling overwhelmed.

Walk away knowing how to decide on a career path.


Career Activator

Learn the formula for deciding on a career path. With this 1-on-1 coaching option, you will get individual attention and a full year of support.

High School Students - We help you walk into college (or pursue another education path) with confidence.

College Students - Quit switching majors and start getting confident about how college can prepare you for the RIGHT career and your first job out of college.


Fast Track Program

You have an 80%+ confidence level you are picking the right career, but…

High School/College Students - We can help you validate that you are on the RIGHT track during three 1-on-1 sessions.

College Grads - You have your degree, now what. We help you figure out that first step in your career path.