Fast Track Program

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High School Students

Are you one of those people that knew what you wanted to do since you were five? Or have you figured out your best career path just recently?

Either way, we can help you get to a 99% confidence level and ensure you are able to use your Strengths every day in your school life and in a career.

College Students

You feel like you're "this close" to being on the right track.

We can help you get clarity on your career path and college major. Feel confident you know your natural talents and how to make them your biggest asset.

College Graduates

Are you a college graduate that can’t decide what to do next? Do you have a degree but don’t know how to leverage it to get a job? We can help you figure it out.

You may have picked a degree, decided it’s not right, but feel like you are too far in to turn back. Or you get into your profession and hate it. We can help you get back on track. See Taylor’s Story


Fast Track Program

  • 3 One-Hour Coaching Sessions

  • Deep dive exploration into your career interests

  • CliftonStrengths assessment and consultation to help understand your natural talents

    • Top 5 CliftonStrengths Insights - custom report

  • Three Strengths Scripts to use when interviewing at college and job interviews

  • Help determining an expert to interview in your top career choice

  • Preparation for one interview with an expert and potential mentor