Dale Troy

Crush College Stress, LLC

College Success Formula Program: Set Your Child Up for Success in College

Congratulations to you and your child for getting through the admissions process and finding the right fit college!

What's next?  Of course, there will be dorm shopping, searching through the course catalog, and finding out your child's rooming situation.  

What else?  There are many skills and habits that all college students need when they transition from home to college.  Unfortunately, high schools aren't preparing students with the necessary skillsets.   And college orientation programs for freshmen either don't include most of the skills related to college success, or talk about them too late into freshmen year. 

What's the solution?  Be proactive.  The College Success Formula Program is the ideal solution if you want to give your child confidence about transitioning to college.  The main topics covered in the program will help your child feel in control of their experience:

Goal Setting and having a Growth Mindset, so your child arrives on campus with a plan for their first semester and a positive attitude that will help them through their challenges

Time Management and Study Skills, so your child knows how to structure their day, prioritize their time, stay on top of their courses, and prepare for college exams

Creating Connections and Using Resources, so your child feels comfortable on their campus, develops strong relationships, gets involved outside of the classroom, and knows how to access campus resources when needed for help

Practicing Self-Care on a Daily Basis, so your child takes care of their body by eating healthy, drinking water, exercising, and getting good sleep, and they understand the relationship between their daily habits and their academic performance

Stress Management and Resilience, so your child has their own strategies to keep stress under control and will be able to handle the ups and downs of their college experience

Your first step is to schedule a call with Dale to see if the program is a good fit for your child:  http://www.talkwithdale.com

Special Offer:

Anyone who enrolls in the College Success Formula program will receive a special bonus:  

The Talking College card deck created by Andrea Brenner, from her 25 years of experience as a College Professor and Administrator.  

The cards provide discussion prompts for college-bound students and their parents and will help you have important conversations before your child leaves for college.  
